I know I've been bad about blogging lately. Things have been so hectic at work that usually when I come home it's all I can do to get dinner on the table and the baby in the bed. It's a real challenge being a working single mother. I'm trying to rise to the challenge, but I struggle with organization. I'm trying to discipine myself, but really God is disciplining me because here lately I have been facing challenges on all sides and I know that this is the Lord's way of getting my attention. I am of the school of thought that if God can't correct you in your circumstances then He'll correct you through your circumstances and right now my circumstances have me alert and God has my full attention.
Nevertheless, I managed to squeez this layout in of my niece Kayla. She is much older now than she appears in this picture, but for some reason these pictures just captured my heart. I love pics that capture kids just being kids. In this picture she is semi aware of the camera, but it doesn't stop her from being just who she is...a beautiful, wonderful, little girL Hope you all enjoy.